My network has changed the way I learn by speeding up the methods in which I acquire knowledge. With this speed, I have also questioned the validity of the knowledge I acquire more often. A piece of knowledge can still be twisted and manipulated for dramatic effect.
The digital tool that best facilitates learning for me is the computer. I can, and often do cross comparisons of information to determine how valid the information is for the situation. Validity is the most important aspect of information and helps to eliminate many faulty conclusions about how to handle situations.
When I have questions, I refer to bookmarked sources for information. Sometimes I reference new sources, but I stay ever aware that new sources do not always provide objective perspectives on information.
I agree that technology has changed the way we view things and has made accessing information much easier than in previous times. You make a great point that we have to also assess whether or not the information in which we are seeking is valid or not. Sometimes being able to recognize misinformation is just as important, if not more important, than accessing the information to begin with. Great post!